Monday, April 30, 2012

Re-Igniting the Dirtbag

As the few of you may have noticed, there hasn't been an update to this blog in months. We haven't forgotten about the blog, it's come up in conversation nearly every time we've met. I'd use the excuse of Winter to blame on our lack of things to write about but we live in Southern California. There hasn't been much of a Winter in the first place. We have squeezed out a few trips and tried out a few new things but it's been almost a chore to accomplish. We'll be covering Carrizo Plains in the next post but for now I wanted to talk about re-igniting the dirtbag in all of us.

Stuck in classrooms, behind desks, waiting call-backs, repaying loans, moving out, moving back in, balancing relationships, 12hour shifts, and just looking for direction have all slowly snuffed out that spirit of Summer. That limitless feeling to the days, one adventure after another, faded with the season. As I drove 5 hours home, from Mammoth after spending a full day on the mountain, I continued my binge on The Dirtbag Diaries. This blog, this podcast, was a slap in the face. A few guys, down on their luck, professionally, turned to blogging to pass the time. They are Oregonians after my own heart. They've turned their passion for outdoors and adventure outwards. All the excuses, all the things stopping us from going out and getting dirty, they discuss. They're not sponsored athletes going out and telling us to just "Do It". They bring meaning to the adventure in their lives. Listening to all of this, I started to realize:
I'm getting comfortable.

Not in the car I was sitting, not the bed I was going home to. I was getting comfortable with life. Sleeping in, spending weekends eating out, finding bars to go to, have all eased me into this state. I've become uncomfortable with the idea of change. The idea to just go out and get lost, get scraped up. Not saying that I don't enjoy any of these things. It's all we've been able to squeeze out of our weekends, afternoons, and conflicting schedules. So with Summer coming up, we've been planning some trips up and down the coast. Flying east and driving west. Getting stuck, climbing out. Carvin' asphalt.
Here's to the upcoming season with all of you!
Here's to
A Stoked Summer.

Coming Soon: Carrizo Plains National Monument Review and Tribute to the BLM